2020 Call for Abstracts
***The Submission Deadline is April 30, 2020***
The International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNSA) invites you to submit an abstract for a symposium, oral presentation and/or poster session at the upcoming Annual Conference, October 14-17, 2020 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Calgary, Canada!
1st Global Congress
In Conjunction with IntNSA's 44th Annual Educational Conference
2020 Vision: Year of the Addictions Nurse
October 14 - 17, 2020
Submit Your Abstract
Regardless of your area of specialty or practice setting, if you attend only one conference this year, we hope that you will join us at IntNSA's Annual Educational Conference. It is expected that this years IntNSA conference will attract a number of internationally diverse participants, including keynote speakers and concurrent sessions, numerous sponsors and exhibits, and a silent auction to help support the Foundation of Addictions Nursing (FAN). Continuing education credits in nursing are available. When you register, if you are not already a member of IntNSA, please consider joining as members to receive a discounted conference registration rate. Whether this is your first IntNSA conference, or you have been attending every year, consider bringing a colleague to share in the scientific knowledge and information about evidence based practice in addictions, as well as the fellowship that defines International Nurses Society on Addictions conferences.
Abstracts for the conference may be submitted to one of three categories:
- Research - These abstracts report on original research and must include: problem/purpose, objective (specific aims), design and methods, results and conclusions.
- Curricula, Quality Improvement, and Program Evaluation - These abstracts report on evaluations of educational curricula, quality improvement projects, and/or innovative program initiatives and must include: problem (and the change that is needed), evidence appraisal and synthesis, implementation strategies for practice change, evaluation (results), and lessons learned.
- Clinical Case Presentations - These abstracts describe an illustrative case that reinforces specific skills or competencies for the care of substance use or addictive disorders across the services continuum, and/or specific educational objectives.
Submit abstracts for the conference for one of the following formats:
- Oral Presentations (25 minute concurrent sessions with 5 minutes between for discussion)
- Symposia (55 minute team presentations on a significant topic)
- Poster Presentations (must be present during the poster session)
All abstracts should be submitted using the online form at All abstracts should be submitted using the online form at http://www.pmswebreg.info/intnsa2020/openconf.php.
You will be required to submit the following information with your abstract:
- Submission title. Limited to 25 words
- Type of submission. (Oral, Symposia, or Poster; and whether it is Research-based; Curricula, QI, Program Evaluation; or Clinical Case)
- Audio visual requirements. The following will be provided: LCD Projector & Screen; Podium Microphone; Laptop Computer; and Laser Pointer
- Full name, credentials, contact information, and short biography for each author in your submission. (The biography is limited to 150 words per author. This information and abstract will appear in the final program.)
Learner category. Abstracts should be tailored to the following level(s) of experience:
- Beginner
- Novice
- Intermediate
- Expert
Content categories. Suggested topics may include, but are not limited to:
- Emerging trends in substance use epidemiology
- Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs
- Co-occurring medical and/or psychiatric disorders
- Prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery
- Pharmacotherapy, including detoxification, abstinence, replacement and maintenance, and harm-reduction
- Mutual help groups, such as Narcotics Anonymous (NA) and Nar-Anon
- Professional monitoring programs
- Alternative or complementary treatment
- Community-based initiatives
- Legislative and other legal considerations
- Ethical issues associated with substance use
- Learning objectives. Please provide at least 2 measurable objectives
- Abstract content. The abstract is limited to 250 words (i.e., excluding the title and author information and references. The text should highlight the main points of the presentation
- CV/Resume of the primary author for upload
Only the primary author or lead organizer should submit an abstract. If the author is listed on the abstract but is not attending the conference, their name will not appear in the program and their CV/resume is not required.
EVALUATION CRITERIA Criteria used to evaluate submissions include:
- relevance to the conference theme
- importance to the field of Addictions Nursing
- with empirical studies, quality of research methods and findings
- with theoretical papers, quality of the theoretical argument
- potential to understand/improve practice/patient care
- overall organization of the abstract
The Conference Committee would like to thank you for your willingness to share your knowledge with the IntNSA Conference attendees. Feel free to forward this to others who have knowledge on these topics to share. KEY
- Submissions Close: April 30, 2020
- Target date for accept/reject notifications: May 15, 2020
- Target date for Presenter attendance confirmations and abstract edits/updates: June 15, 2020
- Presenter registration deadline: September 1, 2020
- Presenter handout/files submission deadline: September 30, 2020
If your abstract is selected for the conference, and you accept, you will be expected to register for the conference. Failure to register by the deadline will result in an automatic withdrawal of the offer to present.